Thursday, May 29, 2008

Meet the Parents

Mom and Dad came down to visit this past weekend. We did all kinds of things while they were here. We went to church Sunday morning then we went to Mudcat Charlie's on Hwy 17 for lunch with friends. It was a nice afternoon.
That evening we took them to St. Simons Island to see the lighthouse, pier and Atlantic Ocean. It was perfect weather for that. The wind was nice enough to keep the bugs away and to keep things from getting too hot. There was a lot of great scenery.
Monday we went to Taylor Farms and picked blueberries.
The bushes were huge! They hadn't quite ripened enough for bulk picking yet so we got the first picking on the bushes. It was hot but passing clouds and the shade from the bushes kept us pretty cool.
It was a wonderful day.
Joey showed Dad the pecan trees while we were there.
The nuts are already growing just as little tiny buds on the trees.
Looks like there will be a good pecan harvest this fall!
I was also able to get some cool photos of some flowers during our travels. I like getting close-ups of them.
On Tuesday we spent most of the day at Jekyll Island. It is an island with beautiful, nearly pristine beaches. Here are some photos of the beach. In the third photo, the land you can see in the background is one side of Cumberland Island, the next island down the coast.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Wayne Update

Wayne went to the physical therapist today. He said that he was healing well and that he had a tremendous amount of flexibility for his injury. He had him moving his arm in several directions with a small amount of weights and resistance. He started getting sore this evening. The therapist said that he would. He's supposed to go see a chiropractor this week, too to see if we can get his back into proper alignment again. I think that will help a lot also. All in all he is doing quite well and healing quickly and without any issues. It is truly a miracle. However, the fenders and ferrings, etc. came in for his broken motorcycle today...good grief!

Omega Group Dinner

Tonight was the monthly dinner for the Omega Group at church. We all went to the "Buie Plantation" and had a great breakfast for dinner. Dr. Merschon (sp?) spoke to us this evening about being Ostrich Christians--we do great at church but when it comes to living life out in the real world we stick our heads in the sand.
Jessie Deems sang a song and we had some harmonica playing, too. Carolyn played the piano. All of the music was really good. I took these photos with one of my old cameras and I think the settings were a little off. I'm posting some of the pictures any way so you can see some of the people that attended. Please don't hold them responsible for the bad photography. Where is Janice when I need her? :-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cresent Beach, FL Vacation Weekend

I went to Cresent Beach, FL (the next beach south of St. Augustine) and spent the last weekend with my arty friends from Gainesville, FL. We had a grand time! I got to take lots more photos and spend time arting with my friends. I took several photos of the beach, flowers and especially the pelicans! The pelicans were great!They just kept flying and diving and feeding and doing it all over again and again just a few yards from the shore. They were out there the whole weekend. Usually I get to see a few fly overhead at the pool or some flying by out over the ocean but I've never seen such activity for so long on one of my beach trips. I loved watching them. And in some of the pictures they looked like they were watching me, too! I waded out in the surf for a distance and used my telephoto lens to get some pictures of them. Several of these turned out really well, I think.