Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cresent Beach, FL Vacation Weekend

I went to Cresent Beach, FL (the next beach south of St. Augustine) and spent the last weekend with my arty friends from Gainesville, FL. We had a grand time! I got to take lots more photos and spend time arting with my friends. I took several photos of the beach, flowers and especially the pelicans! The pelicans were great!They just kept flying and diving and feeding and doing it all over again and again just a few yards from the shore. They were out there the whole weekend. Usually I get to see a few fly overhead at the pool or some flying by out over the ocean but I've never seen such activity for so long on one of my beach trips. I loved watching them. And in some of the pictures they looked like they were watching me, too! I waded out in the surf for a distance and used my telephoto lens to get some pictures of them. Several of these turned out really well, I think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, I am really getting jealous of your weekend getaways. This is much better than looking at the Ohio River!