Friday, July 4, 2008

The Back Porch

We have been working on our back porch for a couple of weeks now. We had a porch with an industrial-type concrete surface and we wanted to tile it. We went to a local home improvement store and found some of the most beautiful slate tile that Wayne and I had ever seen. We had to have it. After we got it home I made up some designs and we picked one and Wayne went to work on it. Here are the results. Sasha wanted to help. Here's the middle pattern. The finished floor.

1 comment:

Fran Meneley said...

hi really need to catch up on your blog! Good grief,'s February. Loved sneaking a peak at your life and journals. Love the screened in porch!! Also your church gathering looks happy. So glad to have had a chance to get to know you better at PLAY. Take care! Hope to see you next year! Best - Fran